Wednesday, June 10, 2009

On the Presentation

I think that my presentation went well because I spoke clearly and I think that it was very easy to follow what I was saying. Another good pointer that I had was that my information was very valuable and clear. Those are the reasons why I think that my presentation went well. I learned about technology by making my first ever website on I learned about this technology (website) from Crysta who thought this website was good for our science presentation.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


My topic is Integumentary and my topic of controversy is animal testing with cosmetics.

What I Have Learned

My presentation is going pretty good so far but I am a little behind on the information. I am going to talk about the three layers of skin and what they do. The three types of layers are epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. They absorb nutrients in the skin and protect the skin from the weather. I am having a difficult time trying to relate my topic and the controversial issue.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Animal Testing with Cosmetics

In 1933, a woman bought mascara called Lash Lure. Immediately after she used it her eyes began to burn and she developed sores which made her blind. Soon after she died. So the government took steps to help the public by performing the eye irritation test on animals. They tested on rabbits by holding them firmly until they are finally quiet.
Was it the cosmetics that caused her to die?
Do you think its wrong testing on animals?
Was it her skin that caused it to react?
Tell me what you think.